Quiet Corner & Sensory Kits

Making the wait for your appointment easier.

We understand that some patients can find it difficult to wait in our waiting rooms. This can be for many reasons, from sensory over load and noise, or you simply just need a quiet and calm place to wait.

We realise our Rush Hill waiting room is very big, and can at times get busy, so to accommodate those who need it we have created a quiet corner, for patients to wait in. (see the image below) We also have a sensory basket that patients can use whilst sat in the Quiet Corner, if this will be of help.

You will see a sign in the waiting room at our Rush Hill site that says:

If you, or the person you are with, is finding it too difficult to wait in the waiting room, and would benefit from sitting in a quieter, calmer area, or would benefit from using our sensory equipment, please let our receptionists know and they will be able to let you know if our quiet corner is available for you to wait in.


Who is our quiet corner for?

Our quiet corner is for anyone who feels they or the person they are with, would benefit from waiting in a different area.

This could be for a number of reasons for example:

A learning difficulty or disability 


Mental health 

Generally struggling to sit in a busy waiting room

Or you simply feel it would benefit you or the person you’re with, sitting elsewhere.



We also understand that although our Weston site is a lot smaller and generally a quieter place to wait, some patients may benefit from using a sensory pack while they wait (please see images below).

You will see a sign in the waiting room at our Weston site that says:

If you, or the person you are with would benefit from using one of our sensory kits, whilst waiting to see a clinician, please ask reception and they will be able to provide you with one to borrow during your visit – please return the kit to reception after use.

If you have any questions about our Quiet Corner at Rush Hill or our Sensory Kits at Weston please ask a member of our reception team.

Quiet Corner Complete
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